Het Poeleind


(NABAB DE REVE x CASH x LORD) - BWP Gelding - 2002 - Level 1.60m

Riders and Achievements:

14 Wins - 

in 1.40m, 1.45m and 1.50m CSI 2-3-4-5* classes in Canada (Calgary Spruce Meadows, Calgary Stampede Park, Rockwood), USA (Tryon, Lexington, Las Vegas, Wellington, Sacramento, Williamsburg), Belgium (Lier, Genk) and the Netherlands (‘s Hertogenbosch)

13 2nd places - 

in 1.40m, 1.45m and 1.50m CSI 2-3-4-5* classes in Canada (Rockwood), the USA (Tryon, Lexington, Wellington, Sacramento, Williamsburg) and Belgium (Moorsele, Genk, Opglabbeek, Lanaken)

4 3rd places - 

in 1.45m and 1.50m CSI5* classes in Canada (Calgary Spruce Meadows), the USA (Wellington) and Switzerland (Basel).

6th place Pan American Games 2015 Team Competition Toronto with Samuel Parot

4th Grand Prix Williamsburg (USA) 1.60m  - 2016 with Samuel Parot

9th Grand Prix CSIO5* Lyon (FRA) 1.60m  - 2014 with Pieter Devos

10th Grand Prix Mons Ghlin (BEL) 1.60m – 2014 with Pieter Devos

Description / Performances:

Vroni's first foal, bred by Johan van Oost (Van Orti Stud), has had an illustrious international career. At the age of 18, he is still competing at international level (1.45m). He has won almost € 250.000 prize money over the course of his career. His highest position in the WBFSH Ranking (World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses) was in 2015 (145th place). 

He started his career on the Belgian Young Horse Circuit with Jens van der Steichel (BEL), taking 1st place in the Belgian Young Riders Cup in 2009 & 2010. The pair took 2nd place in the Belgian Young Riders Championship in 2010 & 2011. Jens van der Steichel competed Couscous from 2009 to 2013 and took him to 1.45m level. 

In 2013 Pieter Devos (BEL) took over the ride, competing Couscous to 1.60m until 2015. 

In 2015 Samuel Parot (CHI) bought Couscous and competed him at the Pan American Games in Toronto the same year, taking 6th place in the finals.

WBFSH Ranking:

His highest position in the WBFSH Ranking (World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses) was in 2015 (145th place out of 4461 ranked horses).

He also appeared in the WBFSH Rankings in:

2014 (423rd out of 4858 horses)

2016 (166th out of 5792 horses)

2017 (550th out of 6019 horses)